List 2 – said, the
Sight words instruction for said, the
1st Grade
List 3 – of, to
Sight words instruction for of, to
1st Grade
List 4 – you, what
Sight words instruction for you, what
1st Grade
List 5 – from, are
Sight words instruction for from, are
1st Grade
List 6 – color, friend
Sight words instruction for color, friend
1st Grade
List 7 – come, there
Sight words instruction for come, there
1st Grade
List 8 – does, been
Sight words instruction for does, been
1st Grade
List 9 – their, goes
1st Grade
List 10 – some, was
Sight words instruction for some, was
1st Grade
List 11 – one, two
Sight words instruction for one, two