Videos for Using Saxon Phonics in 1st Grade

How Every Lesson Looks

Almost all Saxon Phonics lessons can be taught using this simple outline.

1st Grade

Using Your Flashcards Effectively

You might be surprised how easy it is to get flashcards right OR wrong. Make sure your approach is as effective as possible!

1st Grade

The Accent Deck

This video explains why you don't need to feel guilty about skipping the accent deck!

1st Grade

Organizing AND Retiring Flashcards

Flashcards can seem simple to organize and manage, but it may be helpful to ensure you use the most efficient approach.

1st Grade

What Does BINGO Look Like?

BINGO can be simple OR complex, valuable OR a waste of time, depending on how it's implemented.

1st Grade

Silent Simon: A Fun Break!

1st Grade

Teaching the First Lesson: Letter Nn

Want to see what the first Saxon Phonics lesson of the year might look like? Here it is!

1st Grade

Teaching the Second Lesson: Letter Oo

Of course the first Saxon Phonics lesson is unique, but what does the second lesson look like? See an example here.

1st Grade

Lesson 12: Suffix -s

Teaching suffixes is different than teaching single letters, so it can be helpful to see an example of how to teach this new increment.

1st Grade

Lesson 14: Letter Dd (full lesson)

As the curriculum progresses, it can be helpful to see what the first truly "typical" lesson looks like.

1st Grade